Monday, January 11, 2010

Photo manipulation just went to a whole new level!!

Okay so I've seen a couple of bad photoshopped images but this one has to be the worst. Just photoshopping a couple of the elements is fine but when you start to manipulate the people in the picture the ads start to look unrealistic and fake. For the picture on the left, the head is so twisted that its not even realistic. This was obviously a fail attempt at photoshoppping the girl in the ad. Not only is this ad stupid it just looks disgusting because who's head would twist like that. Photoshopping has gone to a whole new level and its not a level that is acceptable in our society. More ads should show the true beauty of human beings without them being photoshopped beyond recognition. People and artists should express their skills through true beauty and not hide behind photo manipulation software. Before photoshop came along, there were REAL people in the ads. Now, its all manipulated and edited. Its okay to make the person look better but when you start changing the physical features, such as arms, legs, neck, should, head, etc. You start to lose the true beauty of a person, which is important.

Bottom line, use photoshop to take acne or blemishes out but don't go too far when you start to change the physical features of an individual.


  1. That is so true Wayne! The reason they picked those models for the ads was for their beauty and finesse, as they're trying to present in the ad you've chosen. When they start to manipulate the physical proportion of a person, they lose the person's individuality! Nice font colour by the way.

  2. YES!

    True beauty 1, photoshop 0!!
    Really who looks like that in real life? Models and celerities are so beautiful without the photo shop, photo shop to the extreme makes people abnormal!

    Great job on the blog!

    -Arianne C.
